Development of science in Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (1990s – early 2000s)

Main Article Content

Yu. Mykhayluk


Abstract. Introduction. At the present stage of development of higher education in Ukraine, the scientific component of its activities and its achievements are one of the determining indicators of progress and competitiveness of higher education institutions. This is especially important for those who are leaders in education in the regions. Such is Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy – a modern powerful educational and research center with a 100-year history, known and authoritative in Ukraine and far beyond. Today the university has significant achievements and rather high indicators of activity in the scientific sphere at the state level. A significant guarantee of this is the previous experience of scientific activity, the analysis of which deserves special attention. First of all, this applies to the rather complex period of the 1990s – early 2000s.

Purpose. The aim of the article is to investigate the system of organization of scientific work at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy and its achievements in the 1990s - early 2000s.

Results. Departments, research centers and scientific societies, scientific schools and postgraduate studies became the basic centers of scientific work at the university. The construction of the strategy and the general management of the research work was carried out by the Rector’s Office, in particular the Scientific Department, which was invariably headed by the Vice-Rector for Research, Professor II Kukurudza. Scientific activity in the institution was carried out according to the relevant annual and long-term work plans.

The scientific work of the departments was built primarily in terms of research on collective and individual topics. For example, their number in 1999 was 37 and 126, respectively, in 2000 - 55 and 131, in 2001 - 44 and 128.

Expanding the range of scientific research, deepening their subject area, the search for new ways of cooperation of scientists contributed to the creation of new structures. In 1996, the Research Regional Center for the Study of the History of the Middle Dnieper of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, headed by Professor A. Yu. Chaban, was formed at the Faculty of History. In 1997, a regional branch of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society, founded at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, was established. A landmark event at the university was the establishment in 1999 of the Cherkasy Scientific Center for Shevchenko Studies (director V.T. Polishchuk). In 2000, the Research Institute of Peasants was established (headed by Professor A.G. Morozov).

The university had a targeted graduate school, and in some cases used graduate schools of other educational institutions and research institutions. An important event was the opening in 2003 of the first specialized scientific council at the university for the defense of candidate dissertations in the specialty «History of Ukraine», chaired by Professor A.G. Morozov. During 1991–2003, 112 scientific and pedagogical employees of the University received the status of Candidate of Sciences and 13 – Doctors of Sciences.

A special increase in the number of scientific products occurred in 2000-2003, when the university reached a new level of organization and quality of work. During the specified period, 61 collections of scientific works were published in the institution. In 1997, the first professional scientific publication «Bulletin of Cherkasy University» was launched – a series of «Historical Sciences», in 1999 - a series of «Philosophy», and in 2001 – a series of «Philological Sciences». In 2000, as already mentioned, the professional publication «Ukrainian Peasant» began to be published, the following year the scientific yearbook «Literary Studies» began to be published. «Folklore. Culturology». More than 60 scientific and scientific-practical conferences were organized and held on the basis of the university. During 1995–2000 alone, about forty scientific forums of international (6), all-Ukrainian (19) and regional (14) levels took place.

The long-term scientific productivity of some leading scientists of Cherkasy University, marked by high quantitative and qualitative indicators and continuity of scientific activity, served to form 15 scientific schools during the 1990s - early 2000s.

The cross-cutting line of the educational process at the university was the involvement of students in scientific activities. This was done through the preparation of abstracts, term papers, dissertations and master’s theses, writing scientific articles and reports, participation in the work of scientific circles and problem groups, scientific conferences, competitions of scientific projects and more.

Originality. For the first time the system and efficiency of scientific activity of the university in the specified period is revealed.

Conclusion. The importance of qualitative and productive development of scientific work at Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the 1990s and early 2000s was clearly recognized by the management and faculty. It was a strategic direction of the university development and was carried out in close connection with educational activities. The organization of scientific work in the institution acquired a systemic character, covering both the teaching staff and the student community. The scientific activity of the departments has been intensified, a number of research centers have been established. A number of scientific professional publications have been launched, numerous all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences have been held. In view of this, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientific work have significantly increased during the outlined period.

Article Details

Author Biography

Yu. Mykhayluk

Mykhayluk Yuriy Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department history of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


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