Formation of the structure of repressive bodies in Kyiv region in the second half of 1930s

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O. Skus
Z. Vozna
O. Lisovska


Abstract. Introduction.The article deals with one of the actual directions in historical studios concerning the reasons, peculiarities, consequences and mechanisms of repressive policy of Soviet authorities in the last century.

Methods. The use of systematic and source analyses, synthesis and special historical methods made it possible to analyze some aspects in the process of the formation of a repressive and punitive system of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs in Kyiv region on the eve of mass terror of 1937–1938.

Results. It has been established that in order to improve the structure of the NKVD administrationin 1936 inter-district operative groups were created, especially in Kyiv region 8 groups with thecentres in Uman, Bila Tserkva, Cherkasy, Kyiv, Malyn, Zolotonosha, Zvenyhorodka and Skvyra were created. Inter-district operative groups carried out an operative-agent and investigative work throughout the whole controlled territory. The head of operative group was equated with the position of a regional department head of the NKVD. Operative groups conducted their work independently of district or special departments. The main task of inter-district operative groups was to ensure state security in the established territory and combat «counter-revolutionary formations, espionage and sabotage». An operative group carried out the given tasks solely on the basis of creating a network of highly qualified agents and was engaged only in intelligence work and investigation.

The work of inter-district operative group was organized on a territorial principle. The division of workers of the operative group by the objects of work was made by a regional department in each group separately, taking into account the local conditions and the peculiarities of districts served by this or that group. Cities Zhytomyr, Novohrad-Volynskyi and Korosten were serviced in all directions by the district department apparatus; Uman, Cherkasy and Bila Tserkva – by the apparatus of the NKVD. Besides, in 1936 the district departments received some reinforcements in the form of an expansion of the staff of the apparatus of the Uman, Bila Tserkva, and Cherkasy districts of the NKVD. As evidenced by archival materials, the basis was the characterization of cities in terms of the presence of “nationalist cadres”, trained by the NKVD officers beforehand.

Conclusions. On the whole, the NKVD system reformation presupposed personnel and financial provision of inter-district operative groups. The creation of inter-district operative groups of the NKVD administration and the formation of a repressive structure in general became one of the preconditions for an era of “The Great Terror” on the territory of Ukraine.

Article Details

Author Biographies

O. Skus

Skus Olga Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of History Ukraine of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Z. Vozna

Vozna Zoya Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of World History and Teaching Methods of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

O. Lisovska

Lisovska Olga Ph.D. (History), Assistant professor of the Department of History Ukraine of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


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