The influence of the policy of ukrainization of the 1920s – early 1930s on different sphere of public life

Main Article Content

N. Kuksa


Abstract. Introduction. The article states, that the beginning of the ХХ century was marked by wars, the collapse of empires and revolutions, which led to significant changes in all spheres of social life of Ukrainians. Since 1923, the country has pursued a policy of indigenization, which in Ukraine was called Ukrainization and was focused on training and promotion of indigenous personnel. Beginning in the second half of the 1920s, Ukrainization became of paramount political importance as the main nuance of the party’s struggle for national policy. It should be noted at once that the process of Ukrainization of the state apparatus was complex and contradictory. One of the main tasks both in national politics and in the cultural construction of the 1920s was the Ukrainization of various spheres of life.

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to study the official policy of Ukrainization, to find out the peculiarities of its implementation in various spheres of public life, including in the countryside.

The research methodology includes the principles of scientific objectivity, historicism, systematics, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, historical-comparative, historical-typological.

Results. The decrees of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee of the Ukrainian SSR of July 27, 1923 “On Measures for Ukrainian School Education and Cultural and Educational Institutions” and of August 1, 1923 “On Measures to Ensure Equality of Languages and Promote the Development of the Ukrainian Language” were proclaimed real practical steps to implement Ukrainization. The need to assist in the development of the Ukrainian language in order to raise it to the level of Russian was pointed out. This decree provided for the Ukrainization of schools and cultural and educational institutions, and the constant introduction of the Ukrainian language in Soviet and economic institutions.

Beginning in the second half of the 1920s, Ukrainization became of paramount political importance as the main nuance of the party’s struggle for national policy.

From the very moment of its introduction, the policy of Ukrainization gradually began to cover all aspects of the life of the Ukrainian people. As already emphasized, the first measures of Ukrainization were aimed at expanding the influence of the Ukrainian language, especially in the party and the government. One of the main tasks both in national politics and in the cultural construction of the 1920’s was the Ukrainization of various spheres of life. The Ukrainization of higher education was not entirely successful. Slightly better things were in secondary schools (colleges, pedagogical schools, three-year special courses).

Extensive results of Ukrainization have been achieved in the field of book printing. The Ukrainian press also experienced its revival during the period of Ukrainization. It should be noted that the process of Ukrainization in the literary and artistic fields was especially sharp and contradictory. Great difficulties had to be overcome on the way to the Ukrainianization of theaters. It should be noted that from the mid-1920s, considerable attention began to be paid to the Ukrainianization of libraries.

The Ukrainization of cinema was quite good at that time. It should be noted that significant successes have been achieved in the Ukrainianization of mass cultural and educational work.

The originality of this research is an attempt to objectively analyze the essence of the policy of Ukrainization, to pay attention to the peculiarities of its implementation in various spheres of public life, especially in rural areas.

Conclusion. The policy of Ukrainization enabled the Ukrainian people to realize themselves as a national community, to feel the importance of language, culture, and traditions as factors in the spiritual development of the nation. In literature and art, a new generation of national intelligentsia declared itself out loud, and interest in national traditions, folklore, and ethnography grew. Understanding the place and role of Ukraine in the USSR, in Europe, and in the world crystallized in the sharp controversy. As a result of the national reform, the social functions of the Ukrainian language increased, which became the language of education, court proceedings, and official office work. The language, which before the revolution was actually banned and did not have a developed socio-political vocabulary, approached the level of highly developed languages of the world. However, it did not cover all spheres of social and cultural life, in different regions the attitude to Ukrainization was different. The working language in the workplace remained Russian, and the processes of Ukrainization hardly affected the army. Even higher education institutions were Ukrainianized by only a third.

Article Details

Author Biography

N. Kuksa

Kuksa Nataliia – Candidate of Sciences (History), teacher of the Department of Humanities Cherkasy Medical Academy


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