Regional policy of the Society of Ruthenian craftsmen and industrialists “Zorya”

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B. Yanyshyn


Abstract. Introduction. Understanding the multifaceted phenomenon of the institutional component of the Ukrainian socio-economic movement in the Habsburg Galicia of the autonomous period has been an extremely popular subject of historical regionalism. This attention is due to the importance of the institutional factor in the modernisation processes of the Ukrainian movement. However, most studies on the history of essential professional societies and associations focus on Lviv institutions. This approach makes it impossible to clarify the regional specifics of Ukrainian economic life and create a panoramic study of the socio-economic movement in the harmonious unity of all its organisational components. As a first step towards overcoming this problem, we are reconstructing the regional policy of the “Zorya” Association of Ruthenian Craftsmen and Industrialists and investigating the activities of its provincial branches.

The purpose of the article is to clarify the features of the regional policy of the “Zorya” Association of Ruthenian Craftsmen and Industrialists.

Results. The research has revealed that “Zorya’s” creators already planned to spread their organisational experience to the Galician province. The evidence has been found in the charter of “Zorya” that paid attention to the formation and operation of branches. The oldest Ukrainian craftsmen society established on the charter of Lviv’s “Zorya” and connected with it organizationally became “Garazd” in Yavoriv. This association of Ukrainian artisans of the city and its environs was founded in 1887 and functioned until the Second World War. Then “Zorya” branches were established in Przemyњl, Stryj, Drohobych, Zhovkva and Stanislaviv. Members of these centres have launched active cultural and educational work in cities and counties. The process of establishing new branches of “Zorya” was intensive in the interwar period as well. The society branches appeared in Zhydachiv, Sambir, Ternopil, Boryslav, Pidberetsy, Yaroslavl, Rohatyn, Truskavets and other cities of Galicia. “Zorya” established libraries in their communities, took care of artisan youth, published their magazines, and so on. Such activism transformed “Zorya’s” regional offices into the centres of Ukrainian life in the province.

Conclusion. The study has revealed good organisation and considerable success of “Zorya’s” regional policy. As of 1939, about 30 branches of the company united more than 1,500 people. Their members carried out a variety of activities, which united previously disparate forces. Through joint cultural work favouring Galician Ukrainians, “Zorya” significantly contributed to the strengthening of national life in towns and villages, previously almost entirely dominated by Polish and Jewish cultural influences.

Article Details

Author Biography

B. Yanyshyn

Yanyshyn Bohdan – PhD (History), Senior Research Fellow of Department of History of Ukraine of the XIX – early XX cc., Institute of History of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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