Organizational and staff structure of Odessa port customs in the XІX century

Main Article Content

K. Gryshyna


Abstract. Introduction. Study of the activities of the Odessa port customs of the XІX century. Is an important task, the solution of which contributes to understanding the features of the occurrence and unified structure of the customs business in Odessa, the reasons for the dominant role of the state in this domain. This paper discusses the issues of organizational and staffing the structure of the customs authorities, which provided direct impact on the quality of performed state tasks in the field customs. Studying this question until now has not become a subject complex research.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze and study the customs documentation of the XІX century to study the historical features of the formation of the organizational and staffing structure of the Odessa customs.

Achieving the stated goal requires the following tasks in the study: based on the analysis of archival sources to investigate the positive and negative sides of the transformation of management relations in customs, to analyze the attitude of officials to caretakers, artillerymen and rowers, to trace whether mass complaints and dissatisfaction, what problems the customs service faced. Formulate scientifically sound recommendations for the prospects of further research.

Results. The history of formation and development of the management structure of the Odessa customs began to be formed from the end of the XVІІІ century. Thanks to the preserved documents for the XІX century in the State Archives of Odessa region, modern researchers have the opportunity to trace in detail the arrangement of Odessa customs, staffing, logistics of workers, the attitude of officials to subordinates, and more. The study of the history of transformation of the management structure in the customs throughout the XІX century in order to identify ways of its possible improvement – is an important area of scientific analysis of business management for the modern organizational and staffing structure of the Odessa customs.

Originality. Study this question has not become a subject so far comprehensive research. It is possible to name a number of works where features were considered organizational and staffing structure of the customs authorities in some historical periods, but for all the importance of these scientific work, which would comprehensively study the organizational and staffing structure of the customs authorizes Odessa to this day no. Meanwhile, a huge customs experience structure of Odessa has not lost its scientific and of practical significance. Undoubtedly, modern customs authorizes can use it use this rich experience for yourself their practical activities.

Conclusion. Thus, in Odessa by the end of the XІX century there have been significant changes that have become a significant step forward in securing the status of a customs officer. The system of the customs service now clearly traced: formal internal organization and official subordination, and the status of an employee acquired all necessary attributes: rights, obligations, guarantees and responsibility. It should be noted that the registration of the status of individual customs officials took a long time period of development – from the regulation of general functions before the official consolidation of all elements of the status, which was of great importance in general for the development of “customs cases” of Odessa, because the presence of the fixer status of officials allows government bodies to effectively implement their tasks and achieve their goals.

Article Details

Author Biography

K. Gryshyna

Gryshyna Kateryna – assistant of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and architecture


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