Peasant industries in Kharkiv in the 20 years of the twentieth century

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A.S. Lapchenko


Background research related to the lack of study topics in historiography. The article is a study of peasant industries in Kharkov in 1920. Kharkiv (Sloboda) - a large region that by 1925 largely coincide with the boundaries of the Kharkiv province, and in 1925–1930 he. Was divided into several provinces - Kharkiv, Sumy, Kupyansk, Izyumsky, Okhtyrske. The chronological scope of article covering the period from 1921–1929. Within which implemented the New Economic Policy. The article is devoted territorial and sectoral allocation of rural crafts in Kharkiv region. Studied some local crafts, their geographical distribution by province, dynamic entities, social characteristics. Of all the branches of local crafts the most common in the province were: forging and metalwork craft, sewing, shoe and leather part kushnirnyy trades, carpenter, cooper and wheel, weaver fish. Territorial prevalence of other industries, except for pottery production, is weak.

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