The activity of the Shevchenko scientific society in the intewar period (1913–1939)
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The activity of the scientific society of Shevchenko has a significant contribution to Ukrainian history. The activity of society was not limited to statutes and policy documents. We can distinguish several periods of development of the scientific society. The author provides an overview of the development of the scientific society named after Shevchenko in the interwar period.
Purpose The purpose of this article is to present the interwar period of the activity of the scientific society of Shevchenko.
Originality. The Shevchenko Scientific Society is the oldest Ukrainian academy of arts and sciences whose activities have been the mainstay of Ukrainian culture for the last 130 years. It traces its intellectual and scholarly lineage to the Shevchenko Scientific Society established in 1873 in Lviv. The Society organized and sponsored conferences, colloquia, symposia, and weekly public lectures. The Society published numerous scholarly works in various languages, including three multi-volume encyclopedias of Ukraine. While the main focus of the Shevchenko Scientific Society was on scholarship and education, it also served the general public: it provided information for students on institutions of higher learning, facilitated neighborhood educational programs, and hosted public lectures, and poetry readings. The First World War interrupted all NTSh activities, including plans to transform the NTSh into an academy of sciences in 1916. During the occupation the NTSh was outlawed, and its buildings and presses were confiscated. Many of its members died at the front or were civilian casualties, and many of its valuable library, archival, and museum holdings and scholarly acquisitions, as well as its student residence, were destroyed.
The NTSh was revived during the interwar period, but it functioned on a lesser scale. Many of its members became political émigrés in the West, some emigrated to Soviet Ukraine, and the influx of new scholarly cadres declined (in 1923 the NTSh had 106 full members, 30 of them foreign scholars).
Conclusion. It is worth noting that over the years NTSH has performed the role of the real Academy of Sciences of the Western sample. The society is the oldest and the most authoritative by creation time, and the results of the Ukrainian scientific public organization, which feeds a large national science. The period of activity of NTSH demonstrates the fact that what were the different conditions in late 19th–20th in Ukraine, Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, countries but four generations of members of the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko, as an informal Academy of Sciences proudly bear the flag of Ukrainian science.
Article Details
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