Trade in the town of Makhnivka – “Small Warsaw” at the 1790–1800

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Lyubomyr Hubytskyy


Introduction. The study of the social picture of life, especially in the field of trade, is becoming increasingly relevant.

Purpose. The tasks of this article are the following: to determine the relation of the influences of traditional and industrial society on the formation of the Makhnivka city at the end of the 18th century; to identify the importance of other-ethnic factors on the industry of the provincial town; to study the nature of the interaction of local owners and self-government with the state.

Originality. The methodological basis of the study are the principles of historicism, objectivity, scientificity, comparative-historical method, the method of analysis of historical sources.

Conclusion. According to the results of the analysis of historical sources, it has been revealed that the scale of Count P. Potosky’s entrepreneurial initiatives contributed to the formation of industry, banking, trade, in particular, trade fairs in Makhnivka. It has been determined that the filling of the local market with high-quality own-produced goods managed to achieve the development of the raw material base and the creation of favorable conditions for the work of foreign specialists at Makhnivka’s plants and factories. Cheap and affordable credit in the banking structures helped to increase the capacity of Makhnivka enterprises. It has been studied that under the conditions of bankruptcy of Makhnivka banking structures, state orders played an important role in the production process. City industry diversified the product range, which was represented by products of the agricultural sector (crop and livestock). The supremacy among city’s merchants was maintained by the Jews, who profited from the lease of premises for state structures, from the maintenance of shops and taverns, from wine farming, from government contracts to provide the army with food and heating. The Makhnivka city gained a high status among the cities of Kyiv Province at the end of the 18th century thanks to a combination of entrepreneurial skills of its owner, access to credit, industrial growth.

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