Beekeepers Society as a kind of the agroeducational organizations of Ukraine (the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries)

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O.Z. Sylka


The article deals with the voluntary associations of beekeepers that are considered as one of the types of the statutory social initiative in agriculture and as a part of the all organizational movement in Ukraine of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The presence of the NGOs and their activity recognized as a sign of the civil society, the formation features of which recorded in the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century, including Ukraine. The bulk of the information sources contained in Russian and two Ukrainian-language pre-revolutionary publications, topics and contents of which were fully devoted to the beekeeping development and its popularization as an auxiliary line of industry. The stress laid on the lack of the modern Ukrainian historiography researches, that would be devoted to the Ukrainian statutory beekeeping associations of the pre-Soviet period. Published content on the pages publications only partially provide our knowledge and therefore understanding of the situation in both qualitative and quantitative dimensions agricultural societies, particularly societies beekeepers, which operated until 1917 in the network of Ukrainian public associations. Perspective plays across the network of Ukrainian agricultural societies.

Article Details



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