Counterfeit paper money in Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX century


Andrii Boiko-Gagarin


Abstract. Introduction. In this article we presented conclusions on the detection of counterfeit paper money in the territory of Ukraine, which was part of Russian Empire. Almost all of the most common paper money were forged by counterfeiters.

The purpose of the research. The peculiarities of counterfeiting of paper banknotes, localization of places of splashes of mass detection of the counterfeits, establishment of peculiarities of manufacturing and detection and neutralization by the population during the investigated time of money counterfeiting, as well as determination of the scale of threat to the population of the problem of counterfeit coins – determination of proportion of counterfeits in the amount of money were determined. The methodology of the paper is a complex of the general scientific empirical-theoretical methods, the citation of the materials of contemporary sources is made by transcription. The scientific novelty. The need of studying the aspect of counterfeiting has long time gone beyond the views of the numismatists. The study of this topic was also not included in the prospects for the development of national numismatics. At present, historiography has no comprehensive work on the problems of studying the processes of counterfeiting money in Ukraine in the imperial era. The practical significance of the achieved results lies in the possibility of the use of the obtained conclusions in the following areas: the criminal history, the history of the monetary circulation, educational and methodical literature.

The main results of the research. Thus, we have found that almost all the most common banknotes have been counterfeited by counterfeiters. In the 1880’s, the police in the Podillya recorded an outburst of detection of large-scale counterfeit credit bills – the 100 rubles, as well as counterfeit credit bills denominations of 25 and 3 rubles, made by the method of bonding banknotes from the different parts. Often, the counterfeit money were reflected in the amount of the collected taxes. One of the methods of neutralization of the counterfeit paper money was the putting on stamps and perforations.




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