Everyday life of children and adolescents of Central Ukraine in the conditions of the Nazi Occupation Regime (1941–1944)

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Grygoryi Golysh
Larysa Lysytsia


Abstract. Introduction. Statement of the problem. In the context of global challenges outstanding this, numerous indications of the fragility of the world civilization, and too – and military confrontations, the scene of which recently became Ukraine, the special actuality is acquired the reference to the events of the Second world war – the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century. Given approval in the world historiography traditions anthropocentrism attachment to the micro-level sections and the analysis of life in «small» societies in a day of terrible trials great interest and practical value has the appeal to the study of everyday life of the youngest representatives of the war generation of children and adolescents who, because of their social status remained the most vulnerable category.

Research results. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Despite the obvious scientific importance of the problems and its development, in fact, is at an early stage. In fragments to the status of minors pdatabase the time, please contact T. Pershina, which gave some facts of physical terror of the Nazis against children and adolescents. On a holistic level this problem was studied by the authors of this article. In General, this topic still leaves a considerable gnoseological field, especially in the context of individual regions.

Conclusion. Given the above, the purpose of intelligence on the basis of archival and published documents, narrative sources reveal the specific features of the daily life of minors Ukrainians during the Nazi occupation of 1941 – 1944-Researched sources and gleaned from them the facts restricted to the territories of Central Ukraine (present-Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Poltava and Cherkasy region) as a territorial part of the reichscommissariat «Ukraine».

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