The Phenomenon of the Ukrainian Mother of the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries: a theological dimension

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Inna Korolova


Abstract. Introduction. A family is still being a significant component of our life. The Ukrainian Institute of Motherhood must be investigated because we deserve a better future. In order to achieve an objectivity, this research is focused on the analyzing of ‘family phenomenon’, including religious, moral categories and historical facts.

The purpose of the research is to investigate the peculiarities of family life of Ukrainians through the prism of history and religion, identifying contradictions between them. To solve the above mentioned purpose the following methods of scientific investigation are applied: historical, descriptive, distributional, the method of comparative analysis, the method of typological analysis.

Research results. The application of these scientific methods made it possible to demonstrate objectively the falsification of religious traditions, the violation of God’s commandments, and the prejudiced attitude of parents to their own children. The scientific originality of the research results consists in an effort to reсonsider the definition of maternal behavior from different angles, non-Christian cases in particular. The study makes it possible to ascertain the inadequacy of family life of Ukrainians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Conclusion. In order to objectively reproduce historical reality, it is necessary to further scrutinize gender aspect in order to avoid idealizing of Christian-moral scenarios and not to fall a victim of traditional stereotypes

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