World War II: transformation of historical policy in Ukraine (2014–2020)

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Yurii Nikolaiets


Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes the main directions of historical policy transformation of Ukraine in the context of the confrontation on the symbolic field of the Second World war in the conditions of aggravation of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation during 2014-2020. Purpose. The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Donbass in 2014 actualized historical policy because during the hybrid war the aggressor country struck not only heavily with weapons but also launched a massive information war.

Results. One of its directions was the symbolic space of the Second World War, which was conditioned by the importance of this large-scale armed confrontation for population of modern Ukraine and the Russian Federation. In response to the Russian propagandists’ criticisms of the “fascination” of Ukraine, the memory of the heroic struggle against the Nazis during the German-Soviet War was actualized in the Ukrainian-centric discourse, further developing a study of collaborationism, proving that the most ambitious aid to the invaders was The Russian Liberation Army, led by General Vlasov. Scholars, publicists, and community activists have also widely covered the means of manipulating the historical memory of World War II, which have become widespread in Russian-centric discourse.

Conclusion. The analysis made it possible to state that the Ukrainian memory policy of the Second World War should be directed at forming ideas about it as a tragedy of all mankind, which should never be repeated. Also, it is important to create a strong conviction in the population that the USSR acted as an ally of Germany at the beginning of World War II, taking an active part in fueling it. Historical policies should take action to clarify and explain the warring parties’ goals and objectives as well as to analyze the means and methods of achieving them in the course of hostilities. It is probably desirable to analyze the UPA’s struggle in the context of its comparison with the opposition of the East Ukrainian peasantry to the policy of Sovietization. Even more so, because of such a counteraction was so widespread that one of the means of overcoming it was the Holodomor Genocide.

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