Historiosophy of the Enlightenment and Romanticism as a foreword of the origin of ideas about the social image of the people in the eastern Slavic historiography of the late XVIII – middle of the XIX century

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Yuriy Mykhayluk


Abstract. Introduction. The formation of “social history” as a separate area of research in the historiography of the Russian Empire has come a complicated and long way. In order to have a clear understanding of this process, it is important to identify the factors that determined it. First of all, we are talking about the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of East Slavic historiography of the late XVIII - mid XIX centuries, on the basis of which the research field of “social history” was soon outlined.

Purpose. The aim of the article is to find out the historiosophical origins of social history as a scientific direction in East Slavic historiography.

Results. The article clarifies the influence of Enlightenment and Romantic historiosophy on the awareness of historians of the East Slavic region of the need to study the history of the people in its various aspects.

It is established that the spread of enlightenment ideas among historians of the late XVIII - first decades of the XIX century. stimulated them in their works to go beyond the traditional framework of state historiography and to include in the research issues components of the internal life of the people.

The romantic reaction to the enlightenment canons and schemes led to the emergence in historiography to the forefront along with the traditional leading historical images of the state and its rulers come out (partly replace) various ethnopsychological segments of the history of the people concerning language, traditions and customs, culture, religion, psychology, life values. This methodology of historiography laid the foundations for further delineation of social images in the subject field of scientific studies.

Originality. The novelty of scientific research is that in this perspective, the problem of the origins of social history is considered in historiography for the first time.

Conclusion. The study of the “internal” history of the people in the Enlightenment and subsequent romantic ideas about the historical past, including addressing the problem of “nationality”, contributed to the segmentation of the field of history of the people / nation, forced to delve into unknown features of its internal and external forms . In such conditions during the end of the XVIII - middle of the XIX century. in scientific circles, among other things, formed an awareness of the need to comprehend social images and the emergence of social landmarks of historical studies.

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