People’s wooden architecture of Transcarpathia in XVII–XX

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O.S. Kuharchuk


Transcarpathia is famous not only for the beauty of nature, but also by many architectural monuments. In the mountains dominated by wooden monuments in the lowlands and foothills – monuments of stone architecture. In wooden houses, churches of Verhovina, modest in size, but great for architectural composition reflects good taste and talent Transcarpathian Ukrainian people .In due to historical conditions wooden architecture of Transcarpathia could not, of course to avoid the influence of other cultures. However, foreign elements did not destroy his people’s identity, but instead turned into a new, harmonious, purely national forms, which primarily felt blood connection with Ukraine. Therefore, the author consider it is appropriate to more effectively promote the achievements of our ancestors in creating the local school of folk wooden residential and religious architecture in the ethnographic regions of the Carpathians.

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