National minorities (Armenians) in the new history of Ukraine: sociocultural approach

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N.О. Berezhna


Taking the problem of cultural slice of the study of minorities, it is noted the intention to solve on a very specific «material». Namely, the Armenian national minority, which for the first quarter century after the collapse of the geopolitical formation of the USSR lived in Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv. The author proves the advisability of the sociocultural approach to research the Armenian national minority  (communities) that lived in Ukraine during 1990–2010. Trying to optimize the research methods she advances arguments for the use of knowledge of the modern Humanities. The essence of the socio-cultural approach to the history of national minorities (Armenians) is not a mechanical unification of the social and cultural sections of knowledge about the selected object (formulates the subject) of the study. On the contrary, he has the property of continuous expansion, retraction into its orbit of a wider range of methodological cognitive practices, what motivates the modern Humanities.

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