Outstanding agrarian scientists about industrial research in Ukraine in the late 20's of XX century

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Н. Б. Щебетюк


In the second half of the 20 's search for a new development strategy for the approaching science to solve specific problems of economics has been carried out by serial reorganizations. State 's attitude to science has changed, held the process of its politicization, ideologization, programming in total planning. Trends of science policy centralization were secured, Soviet central scientific institutions has been created and intensified . This process has been accompanied by discussions between the government and scientists regarding the forms of scientific support of agriculture. In a series of articles in the press representatives of scientific thought developed great discussion on building a network of research institutions. It was suggested many schemes, various proposals and ideas. Own views and concerns about the construction of industrial research in Ukraine, including the creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, expressed outstanding agrarian scientists S. Kulzhynskyy, A. Yanata, A. Sokolowski, G. Mahov, A. Slipanskyy et al. Economical policy of the Soviet government consisted in the reconstruction of the economics from socialistic industrialization and collectivization. Vision of scientists based on their own experience; study the achievements of foreign colleagues considering the declared state ideas, challenges and increasing trend of science policy centralization. Long discussion on reorganization of the network of research institutions of the agricultural sector was completed in early April, 1930 by the discussion at the meeting of the presidium of Gosplan USSR, where it has been accepted appropriate and approved the project of agricultural research planning in programmatic and methodological unity with Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin

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Author Biography

Н. Б. Щебетюк


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