The formation and organization of the Odessa customs case of the end of the XVIIІ century on the materials of the State Archive of the Odessa region

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Kateryna Gryshyna


Introduction. The development of modern Ukrainian statehood is linked to the historical experience of its customs authorities. For several centuries, Ukraine has been shaped by the traditions of different countries, building its own state and customs system. A striking example for the development of economic interests of state borders was the Odessa Customs Service - the first civilian institution of the city.

Since the end of the eighteenth century, the problem of the absence of a complete system of customs border protection has been particularly acute in the territory of modern Odessa region. In 1795, the Odessa port customs office was founded on the Black Sea coast. An urgent problem arises in the formation, development and organization of the Odessa customs business with its inception and formation of the state. Particular attention is paid to the customs investigation of documentary archives. The scientific task is to study the structure of development of Odessa customs at the end of the eighteenth century.

Purpose. Formation and organization of the Odessa customs case with its beginning as a complex aspect of scientific researches remains a little researched problem today. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze and investigate the historical features of the formation and organization of the Odessa customs case, chronologically covering the framework from its inception - 1794 until the arrival on the throne of Alexander I - 1801 and the reorganization of the customs state.

Results. Achieving the formulated goal requires the study of the following tasks: on the basis of the analysis of archival sources to characterize the formation, development, work of the Odessa customs to begin its emergence, to study the historical features of the regular work of the customs of the late eighteenth century, to investigate the patterns of origin of the customsform of Odessa, Recommendations for future research prospects are substantiated.

Originality. The problem of formation and organization of customs was solved by researchers in general aspects in the form of a separate chronological period or in the field of general development of customs in the territory of Ukraine. As for the Southern region, historians have usually studied in detail the period of the nineteenth century with the advent and development of porto-franco. This article localizes the study of the formation and organization of customs at the end of the eighteenth century with regard to archival documents in one of the cities of the unique region of Ukraine - Odessa.

Conclusion. Thus, the formation of the Odessa Port Customs and Quarantine were laid down simultaneously by a Catherine II recipe dated May 27, 1794. However, throughout the end of the eighteenth century, the customs service and its institutions were archaic enough - customs duties were usually given to purchasers, inaccurate records, and controls were not carried out on the importation and exportation of goods.

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