The Ukrainian State of the mid XVII century as a heir to Prince Rus’: A view of Vyachеslav Lypinski

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Sergey Kalutskyi


Introduction. The article attempts to uncover V. Lipinski’s contribution to the study of the problems of forming the basic provisions of the Ukrainian state idea in the middle of the seventeenth century, which is not covered in the historiography and the awareness of Hetman B. Khmelnitsky and his associates of the genetic connection of the Hetmanate with Rus in the IX-XIII centuries and the kingdom of King Danylo. The scientist revealed these questions in the monographs "Stanislav-Mikhail Krychevsky" in the 1912 edition and in "Ukraine is at the Turning Point" published in 1921.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the contribution of V. Lipinski in the study of the process of formation of Hetman B. Khmelnytsky and his immediate surroundings of the provisions of the state idea and their understanding of the succession of the Hetmanate from Rus IX-XIII centuries and the Ukrainian kingdom of King Danylo.

Results. The attempt of V. Lypynsky to find out the time when the idea of restoration of the independent Ukrainian state in the form of republic the Zaporizhia Army originated in the environment of Hetman B. Khmelnitsky and his immediate surroundings was considered. The views of the researcher on its development in the conditions of opposition to Jagiellonian legitimism - recognition by the population of Ukrainian (Russian) lands of the legitimacy of the power of the Polish king and his claims in these territories are covered. The article draws attention to the fact that V. Lipinskiy, for the first time in historiography, tried to cover the question of the continuance and succession of the state idea formulated by B. Khmelnytsky and his immediate surroundings. He regarded the figure of the hetman as the creator of the new Ukrainian state, which became the heir to Rus in the IX-XIII centuries and the kingdom of King Danylo. The historian’s views on the motivation and steps of B. Khmelnitsky aimed at unification of ethnic Ukrainian lands are revealed. In his opinion, the idea of heredity of the Hetmanate from Rus came up because of the Ukrainian nobles who were among the Hetman’s surroundings . The scientist claimed, the desire of the elders to extend their authority to all Ukrainian territories was "quite natural" because a large part of them derived their ancestry. To justify his opinion, he quoted the words of the general clerk I. Vyhovsky to the Swedish ambassador Welling at the beginning of 1657: “We want to have under our rule all the ancient Ukraine or Rus, where the Orthodox faith was and where else our language was delayed:down to the Vistula River... Because we would be ridiculed if we did not take away the lands now / we / had lost in ancient times. " On the heredity idea of restoration of the Ukrainian state in the XVII century from ancient times modern historiography asserts. Attention is drawn to V. Lipynsky’s understanding of the role of the Orthodox clergy in the process of forming the foundations of the Ukrainian state idea of the mid-seventeenth century.

Conclusion. Therefore, there are reasons to assert that V. Lipynskyi was one of the first in historiography to raise and attempt to cover the issue of the emergence of the basic provisions of the Ukrainian state idea of the mid-seventeenth century; emphasized its continuity and gravity since the time of the Russian Empire and the kingdom of King Daniel.

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