The State of the Sugar Industry workers in the Left-bank Ukraine at the ending of the 19 – at the beginning of the 20th c. (historical aspect)

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Valentyna Olyanych


Introduction. The problem of state regulation of the sugar market is a necessity for the countries that produce it from sugar beet. The lack of regulation leads to the decline of the industry through the saturation of the market with cheap imports. The study of the historical experience of the development of the sugar industry is important for the development of a modern model of state regulation of sugar production and sales.

Purpose. Status of workers in the sugar industry in Left-Bank Ukraine in the late XIX – early XX century in the conditions of state regulation of development of the industry.

Results. Workers of sugar factories were formed from both newcomers and local residents. Alien workers prevailed among the laborers, seasonal work. Skilled workers were predominantly from local residents. Profession they received mainly through the apprenticeship on the refineries, adopting skills from the elders. The system of vocational education in the pre-revolutionary crust in the sugar industry made only the first steps. Until 1917, there was a large percentage of non-sugar workers, especially in laborers and women.

The owners of sugar factories had one of the largest profits in the country's industry. To keep the sugar industry at the proper height, to ensure the high production technology, product quality, cyropractor did not skimp on the relatively high wages of engineering and technical personnel and senior and middle employees. Sugar workers, especially labourers and seasonal workers, received wages that did not cover the annual needs of their families. Without homesteads, without land, seasonal workers, laborers, and most of the permanent workers - the sugars could not afford a living wage.

Originality. Newly the degree of development of the topic in the historiography of the issue is analyzed; the classification of workers in the sugar industry in the late XIX – early XX century is identified; the features of the position of workers in this industry are revealed.

Conclusion. Workers in the sugar industry in the region no longer suffered from the development of capitalism, but from its underdevelopment. This underdevelopment manifested itself in the arbitrariness of entrepreneurs, archaic forms of employment, wages, occupational safety, housing and living conditions, the ban on trade union activity until 1905 and the persecution of trade unions after the revolution of 1905-1907. Better working conditions, housing, life at the some plants did not affect the overall situation in the industry.

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