One of the cohort of Transcarpathian «dissenters» (pages from the life of Ivan Chendeya)

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L.I. Captain


Khrushchev’s «vidluha» and the related limited liberalization of the Soviet regime gave a powerful impetus to the literary and artistic creation in the country and in particular in Transcarpathia. It is also affected on the literary work of Transcarpathian writers, and on their more active inclusion in the socio-political and cultural life of the republic. A striking example of active civic position was the work and social activity of manager (1954–1959) Transcarpathian branch of the Socialist Party I. Chendeya. In the centre of his attention were acutely urgent and general civilizational problems of preservation of historical and cultural heritage, the relationship between man and nature, preservation of the environment. One of the first in Ukrainian prose in the second half of 1950 – 1960-ies Ivan Chengdu artistically convincingly revealed the inner meaning of the unity of man with spiritual continent of its own people, its moral values, acquired over centuries, the idea of spending do good, high purpose of human existence on earth. During the 1960s. I. Chengdu belonged to the cohort of «dissenters», namely domestic intellectuals, who hoped to reform the Soviet system. His expressive social and citizenship 1960s. was the result of underlying, complex processes literary and artistic life in Ukraine and in Transcarpathia previous decade.

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