The destiny of a man against the background of the era: Osip Melnykovych’s life

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M.G. Paliіenko
I.V. Sribnyak


In the article it has been reconstructed the life of Osip Melnykovych (1893-1980) that was marked for him extremely complex challenges, in particular participation in the First World War and the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people (1917–1921), being a prisoner in the Russian and Polish captivity, receiving a higher education in Czechoslovakia, sojourning during the Second World War and the subsequent emigration. It is necessary to draw attention to O. Melnykovych’s ability to find a constructive way out of all situations in which he found himself. His difficult fate at the beginning of the mature life is reflected by his escape from the Polish internee camp in Tuchola, studying in the Prague Polytechnic Institute and returning home at the end of 1920s. All the time he cared about his family, trying to give it a decent standard of living. During the Second World War Melnykovych family found itself in extremely difficult circumstances that forcing them to go abroad.

O. Melnykovych made significant efforts for improvement of the Ukrainian emigrants’ life in Austria during the second half of the 1940s. In particular, thanks to his efforts it was established an agricultural school in one of the displaced persons camp. After the war O. Melnykovych continued to take an active part in social life, occupying responsible posts in the regional Union of Ukrainian Christian Movement in France, Ukrainian Public Central Committee in France, Ukrainian Academic Society in Paris, Ukrainian Students Aid Committee, European Shevchenko Scientific Society branch in Sarcelles.

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