Distinctive partnership between the United States and the Great Britain before and during the Second World War: history and modernity.

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І. Т. Mukovskiy
S. V. Tishchenko


This article consider complex of bilateral "special partnership" between the United States and the Great Britain, which arose before and during the Second World War. On wide factual material were proved, that since the Second World War began and since Germany was defeated by France, the Great Britain was left alone against Germany. Previously, Britain did not need permanent allies, because it was a powerful enough, but now London had to seek strenuously more or less constant ally, because they found in the German aggressiveness the direct threat to their interests in Europe and in the colonial world. According to London, the United States of America could become such ally.

We can trace various events, which London did to convince the U.S. in providing for the Great Britain not only financial assistance, but also the entry of America into the war. This article review Churchill actions to belief Roosevelt in Britain victory benefits for the United States, that its defeat would create a deadly threat for the United States safety. By the time Americans were not ready for such step, despite they knew, that the Great Britain have no chances of success in the war without the U.S., so Britain will take all measures to avoid the German influence.

Article generalized current Washington approaches, which could not prevent the victory of Germany over the Britain. Therefore, in this situation, as the Great Britain and as the United States of America, they were linked by one purpose: to create a coalition to defeat Germany and its allies. From the standpoint of the present, are given an assessment of joint actions of the United States and the United Kingdom in those terrible times.

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