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Victoria Hron


The article substantiates the chronological boundaries of the separation of the totalitarianism in the structure of the planetary political system. The dialectical connection between the indicated process, the evolution of the institution of the state and the development of the world's ideological, political, and socio-economic space is studied.

The author draws attention on the fact that almost simultaneously with totalitarianism on the European ideological horizon concepts of an open (global) society appeared. This fact is considered as an ideological expression of the parallel development of national and supranational structures, which were formed on two different economic platforms. This refers to industrial production and international financial circuits.

By comparing the approaches to solving the problem, it was assumed that some of the elements of a globalist project were present in the ideological political system of the USSR of the 1920's. But they were eliminated in the early 1930's.

Also, during the study, the thesis on the mobilization nature of totalitarian regimes was specified. According to the author, the indicated mobilization was carried out through the function of «producer» and was predetermined by the dependence of production on the qualified labor force.

The peculiarities of the ideological superstructure of totalitarian states have been deduced from the urgent need to restore the sacredness of the state power in view of the danger of loss of sovereignty.

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