Winning the ukrainian national idea (organizational and educational activities of Mykola Shapoval among the prisoners of warriors-ukrainians, 1916 – the beginning of 1918)

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Ihor Sribnyak


Introduction. The article analyzes the organizational and educational activities of M.Shapoval in the midst of Ukrainian soldiers of the 1st Zaporizhya T.Shevchenko regiment in 1917 – early 1918, as well as the content of their cultural and educational work in the city of Bila on the occupied Ukrainian lands of the Germans.

Purpose. Reproduction of Characteristics of M. Shapoval’s Activities as Chief of the Stage Division of the German Army and determination of his contribution to the formation and development of a national school in the city of Bila and his district.

Results. Thanks to the activities of Ukrainian soldiers from the 1st Zaporizhzhya named after T.Shevchenko, a regiment headed by M.Shapoval in the town of Bila on Podlasie a national school was introduced and the influence of Russian imperial ideology weakened considerably. At the same time, the soldiers of his unit acquired organizational experience and knowledge, which were needed to build their own army and national state institutions. M.Shapoval, who at that time actually represented the local authorities, used this circumstance to intensify the process of building Ukrainian cultural, educational and public centers within the city of Bila and its districts. At this time, his activities – both in view of the cultural and educational achievements of the «Sich» people, and through the creation of a positive image of the Ukrainian soldier as a German ally in opposition to Tsarist Russia in the German authorities, deserved full approval and support.

Originality. In order to prepare this article, archival documents stored in the Central State Archives of the supreme bodies of power and administration of Ukraine in Kyiv were used, which to date have not been largely introduced to scientific circulation.

Conclusion. The competent leadership of M.Shapoval conducted organizational and educational work made possible the establishment of 153 Ukrainian elementary schools in villages around the city of Bila on Podlasie, as well as several hundred small bookshops, which made it possible to significantly increase the Ukrainian influence in this region. In March 1918, soldiers of the 1st Zaporizhia Regiment were given the opportunity to return to Ukraine, where they took an active part in the Ukrainian state-building.

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