Main Article Content

О. Titika


The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of affairs in the post-occupation period of the war and the first post-war years in such an important component of everyday life of the local industry workers of Ukraine as residential and domestic. The losses incurred by the war and occupation of the housing stock of the workers of the industry, housing problems and difficulties of the producers and their families are shown. The analysis and assessment of measures taken by state and departmental structures to solve the housing problem are summed up. It is noted that the Ministry of Local Government did not have the opportunity to carry out a complete rehabilitation and repair of departmental housing due to lack of internal resources: funds, construction materials, labor force.

State allocations for repair and new housing construction were insignificant and, moreover, in 1943–1944 they were not even given. Only at the end of the 1940's the situation with the provision of department housing of the industry somewhat improved, however, only one in ten employees of the industry had a department housing. Housing and living conditions of workers living in dormitories were extremely heavy. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the situation with provision of housing for workers and employees of the industry, who had private homes and worked at local enterprises, located in small towns, district centers and villages. The measures for the development of individual construction by the efforts of the workers of the industry, positive and negative results of this process are considered.

The conclusions state that due to the reasons of objective and subjective nature, the problem of providing housing to workers of local industry in Ukraine by the end of the 40's was solved only partially and the vast majority of workers and employees of the industry did not have normal living conditions. This, together with other problems in the material and everyday life of the producers, negatively affected the pace and quality of the rebuilding and operation of local industry enterprises.

Article Details



Titika O.O. (2014). The reconstruction and functioning of the local industry of Ukraine between 1943 and 1950: historical aspect / dis ... Cand. Sc. (History). Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy. (in Ukr.)

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