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О. Perekhrest


The article analyzes the tax and procurement policy of the Nazi occupants within Galicia District on the basis of the already published results of studies, memoirs of the contemporary figures and new documentary materials. Considered the components of practical measures of the occupation authority on the organization of taxation systems and procurement of agricultural products, control over the fulfillment of obligations imposed on farmers. The place and role of county associations of Galicia agricultural cooperatives in carrying out the procurement campaign are analyzed.

Considerable attention is paid to considering issues related to the planning by the occupational administration of the harvesting volumes of crop and livestock products, carrying out its propaganda, incentive and punitive measures for the implementation of procurement plans. The process of procurement campaigns, the ability of rural residents to carry out certain contingents, the results of the tasks set by the Galicia occupying authorities of contingents, the total volumes of procurement products, are analyzed.

The tax and procurement policy of the Nazis in Galicia at the expense of contingent actions can be estimated as predatory in its content, which adjudged a significant part of the Western Ukrainian peasantry, in particular the poorest, to the poor, half-starved existence, and even starvation. At the same time, it was less burdensome in comparison with other regions of Ukraine (in particular with the Rayhskommissariat «Ukraine») for a part of the Galician peasants.

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