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N. Gandabyra


The article analyzes research works of modern national historians devoted to the occupation regime in the territory of Dnieper Ukraine. It is said that in the 1990s national scientists reached a new level in presenting different aspects connected with the occupation of Ukrainian territory by Nazi Germany and its allies.

Special attention is paid to the works that investigate character and technology of functioning of German occupation administration and local occupation authorities in Ukraine during the World War II.

The status of local authorities is characterized; associated problems are considered in modern scientific historical works as well as the discussions regarding terminology of the issue.

The analysis of the works of modern national researchers shows that they managed to reveal the problem of attitude of the local population towards the occupants and the factors that led to the collaborationism of the civilians with the occupation authorities, that is, the existence of such phenomena as voluntary and forced collaborationism. They, working in this context, tried to find out the mood of the villagers at various stages of the German occupation, investigate the reasons, content and consequences of the cooperation between the population of «Ukraine» Reich Commission (which also included the «Dnipropetrovsk» general district) and the occupants. Psychological state of the entire local population during the initial period of the war including villagers is characterized, content and consequences of evacuation of the population, the so-called «golden fund», to the rear regions and its subsequent influence on the stratification of the population’s opinion are analyzed.

Priorities, external factors and circumstances which created the situation of choice for a person as an individual strategy of survival are analyzed.

Attention is drawn to the fact that today national historiography is supplemented by a number of diverse scientific studies that allow recreating the events associated with the position of Ukrainian villagers in the occupation time at a deeper scientific level. Scientists provide general description of villagers’ survival in «Ukraine» Reich Commission under «the new order», study exploitation of labour force of Ukrainian village by the occupants, reveal the content and consequences of the «agrarian reform», analyze the economic and social situation of the local population, highlight the main principles and measures of the occupants regarding the use of agricultural products, finance, etc.

It is found out that the important achievement of modern national historiography is the works devoted to the peculiarities disclosure of the Ukrainian population transportation to the Reich, and to the reveal of political and legal status, and the use of labour force from the East in German economy. The researchers, based on archival documents, oral histories and epistolary heritage, managed to show the living and labour conditions of workers from different regions of Ukraine in Germany, revealed the psycho-physical state of Ostarbeiters, etc. Modern national researchers master and comprehend the status of Ukrainian «Ostarbeiter» on a new level. The broad interest in this problem in Ukrainian historical science is supported, first of all, by methodological pluralism, which «presented» to scientists the freedom of thought, scientific activity and opened the opportunity to use new approaches and methods in their work. These radical changes help scientists assess the Nazi's discriminatory policy in the areas of labour and social legislation regarding forced labour transported from Ukraine to Germany.

In general, a special place in modern national science is occupied by scientific works which began to appear in the early 1990s. These works were the first attempt of a comprehensive and panoramic study of the rural population during the years of the Nazi occupation of the Ukrainian territory. The author argues that revision and deeper study of the problems associated with definition of the place, role and status of local villagers in occupied Ukraine (1941–1944) is being developed by national historians for more than twenty-five years. These works highlight functioning of the Nazi administrative system in the occupied territory of Ukraine and the organizational and legal background of the German occupation and local administration. They study the attitudes of the population at different stages of the occupation period, classify different manifestations of collaborationism, analyze the economic and social situation of the local population under the «new order», principles, forms and methods of involving various categories of villagers in the «labour duty», etc.

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