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The signing of the armistice between the Quadruple Alliance and the countries of the former Russian Empire led to the need to address the issue of exchange of prisoners of war. This issue was resolving at the Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference.On January 27 (February 9), 1918, a peace agreement between the Quadruple Alliance of the one part and the UNR (Ukrainian People's Republic) of the other part was signed.This agreement regulated a number of issues,among which was the exchange of prisoners of war.During its signing,the question of reimbursement of expensesfor the maintenance of prisoners of war sharply arose, but the Ukrainian diplomatshave achieved recognition of those expensesasmutually settled.Austria-Hungaryrefused to ratifyan additional agreementwith theUNR, which was an integral part of Brest-Litovskpeace treaty,therefore, it was losing validity. On February 18 (March 3), 1918, a peace agreement between the Quadruple Alliance and Bolshevik Russia was signed. This agreement also regulated the issue of exchange of prisoners of war between these countries.But the Quadruple Alliance lost the war andthe return of prisoners of war of the former Russian Empire was finally decided as late as in 1920–1921due to a number of agreements between the Bolsheviks and Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey.At that time, Ukrainewasunder the reign ofBolsheviks,therefore,Ukrainian prisoners of war were returned hometogether with the Russian prisoners of war

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