Bodily forms of semantization in the Healing Magic of the Ukrainians

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A.I. Temchenko


The author studies Ukrainian healing texts, the human of that body is associated with the Cosmos. The identification of the Universe with Jesus Christ indicates that the Cosmos is alive, which corresponds to mythological doctrines of other nations, as well as portrait tradition, including a cabbalistic one. The motive of enclosing is in association: the Sun and the Moon is an example of the stability of celestial motion, which is projected to terrestrial processes. Semantic matching of man and the Сosmos explains that the causes of the disease can be identical. The body is a mediator between the world of humans and the natural world in healing practices. This explains why the main objects of manipulation are the blood, bone, flesh. Mythological symbols of blood, bone, and flesh with natural objects stimulate the regeneration and purification of water, stone, and the earth and explain the logic of sacrificing the young and healthy, but not the old and sick.

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