Unrehabilitated holodnoyarets Mushket Leonid Pavlovich

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O. Silka



Introduction. In the article the author shows his view on the life of Ukrainian patriot, a member of the national liberation struggle of the 20's XX century. L. P. Mushkets, as in modern Ukrainian historiography are no comprehensive studies regarding its role in the events of the formation of the Chornyi Lis Republic and Holodnyi Yar. About personality L. P. Mushket traditionally briefly mentioned only in publications on Kholodny otamans.

Purpose. Outline the main periods of the life course L. P. Mushket as personality and inventor.

Results. In the history of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian 1917–1923. The name Leonid Mushkets is next to the names of Ukrainian patriots are the result of treason and punitive actions of chekists, that were arrested, sent to Lukianivka prison and executed. But the unresolved question remains why the decision of the panel of judges from 10.18.2016. There is no record about rehabilitation engineer, inventor Leonid Mushket.

Originality. In the history of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian 1917–1923. The name Leonid Mushkets is next to the names of Ukrainian patriots are the result of treason and punitive actions of chekists, that were arrested, sent to Lukianivka prison and executed. But the unresolved question remains why the decision of the panel of judges from 10.18.2016. There is no record about rehabilitation engineer, inventor Leonid Mushket.

Conclusion. We can argue that the life and work of Leonid Pavlovich Mushket, one of the active participants of the Ukrainian insurgent movement early 20's worth it become an object of historical and biographical research. We hope that historians thoroughly dealing with Holodnyi Yar and the Chorniy Lis, is interested in the figure of Leonid musket and will be historical and biographical sketch, which will be in line with the research about holodnoyarciv. Convinced of the emergence of a new source and historiographical material, the content of which will allow us to objectively characterize these two different periods of life L. P. Mushkets. And most importantly, restore historical justice in the matter of his rehabilitation.

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