The formation of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy as a higher educational institution

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Anastasia Kovalenko


Introduction. The formation of the Academy was held in difficult for the Ukrainians socio-economic and religious conditions. Therefore, the creation of such a powerful source of education became a new step not only in the cultural sphere, it became a breakthrough in the national question in the international arena.

Throughout the history the Ukrainian people had no other institution that would have a greater influence on the development of education, science and culture than Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. From the moment of its existence, and to this day, she was a powerful center of the formation of national identity, source of ideas of struggle for the Orthodox faith and Ukrainian independence. Thanks to the combination of European standards of education with the traditional Ukrainian culture, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy for centuries, actively forms the elite of Ukrainian scientists, teachers, theologians, philosophers, writers, statesmen.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to highlight the main aspects of the formation of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy as a progressive synthesis of European and traditional Ukrainian education. Objectives of the study are to answer the following questions: what was the state of the Ukrainian education to the founding of the Academy? What are the major forces that led to its creation? How did this happen?

Results. Already in the early sixteenth century the Catholic clergy opens the parish school, where taught writing, reading, Latin language and arithmetic. To fight against the Catholic were Orthodox Ukrainians. One of the most important events of this period was the founding of the school, which called the Kiev-Mohyla Collegium, and later the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was established on the basis of the Kyiv brotherhood school and Lavra school by Metropolitan Petro Mohyla in 1632. This educational and state leaders managed to turn the Academy in force, which was necessary to the people. Educated in European schools, he had the best international experience in the sphere of organization of the educational process. In the future, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy to adopt on the experience of other countries.

Conclusion.The association in the years 1631-1632 two Ukrainian educational center, the Lavra schools and the brotherhood schools – led to the creation of powerful educational institutions, where the Ukrainians could get an education without abandoning their culture, faith and beliefs. And the final receipt in 1701 the official title of the Academy only cemented the status of this institution of higher education.

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