Features of functioning of the joint youth school of the army of the UPR in may-october 1921 during internment in Poland («widowісе day»)

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Ihor Sribnyak


Introduction. The purpose of this article is the reconstruction of the camp everyday Joint youth school UNR Army camp in Wadowice in of 1921. The author applied the principle of historicism, which gave him an opportunity to rethink various aspects of everyday life internment camp soldiers Ukrainian People’s Republic Army (UPR Army) and reach important generalizations.

The purpose. Thus it used problem-chronological and concrete historical methods, the combination of which allow fully implement the article stated purpose of the study.

Results. The main results of the study should include integral reproduction of certain aspects of domestic life and work of constant and variable composition of the Joint youth school of distinguishing such an important component of a service relationship with the senior command of the military school heads UPR Army. Within the perspective of the subject for further study might include areas: School activities in the second half of 1922 and until mid 1924, the content of professional training there, humanitarian assistance to young people by charitable organizations and those graduates who went to study in Czechoslovakia, M.Shapoval activities as head of the School and others.

Conclusion. The practical significance of the results achieved is that the article facts synthesized and conclusions can be used during the military-patriotic work in the armed forces of modern day Ukraine. This article is an original research, fully supported by the archival materials processed by the author in Central State Archive of higher authorities and management of Ukraine.

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