Formation and development of teacher institutes in Ukraine: historiography of the second half of the XIX - early XX c.

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Lyudmyla Lomako


Introduction. An overview of pre-revolutionary historiography on the study of the formation and development of teacher institutes in Ukraine in the second half of the ХІХ - early ХХ centuries proves that the authors gathered substantial factual and analytical material. The article analyzes collections of documents, materials of pedagogical congresses, reference editions, general studies of the state of contemporary education, essays on the history of individual teacher institutes, articles in periodicals, etc. The materials presented in them relate only to certain aspects of the problem or cover partly. Her complex study was not carried out during this period.

Purpose. Determination of the views of researchers of the pre-revolutionary age in relation to the state, content, methods, and forms of activity of the Teacher’s Institutions of the Naddniprianska Ukraine in the second half of the ХІХ - early ХХ centuries.

Methods. Historical-retrospective, historical-genetic, systemic-structural, historical and comparative analysis of scientific literature of the XIX - early XX century, which covered the process of formation and development of teachers’ institutes in Ukraine.

Results. The historiographical analysis of the works of the XIX - early XX centuries, which covered the history of domestic pedagogical education, shows that the problem of the formation and development of teachers’ institutions in the Ukrainian lands aroused the interest of the contemporaries of the process. The historiographical work of the pre-revolutionary period is quite substantial, although works have different weight and significance. At the same time, beyond the attention of researchers there are many issues that concern both the educational process and the material and technical support of the teachers’ institutes.

Originality. A comprehensive analysis of the work of the researchers of the pre-revolutionary age on the history of the foundation and development of teacher institutions in the Ukrainian lands of the XIX - early XX centuries; The main issues that were in the focus of attention of scholars were outlined. Historiographical analysis involves scientific works that have not yet been the object of a special study.

 Conclusion. An analysis of the pre-revolutionary historiography of this problem proves that the authors of generalizing and regional, collective and individual research actively involved in the problem. Scientists are sharpening their attention by rethinking the significance of pedagogical education in contemporary society, exploring and finding effective ways and methods for its reform. The prospects for studying the problem are connected with the expansion of the number of pre-revolutionary publications, the study of historiography of the Soviet and modern periods.

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