Periodization of the development of the east slavic historiography of the social history of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the nineteenth and early twentieth century’s

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Iurii Mykhailiuk


Introduction. In the first third of the nineteenth century, a qualitatively new stage in the development of Eastern European historical science and, in particular, in linguistics, began - becoming a professional scientific basis. There was a critical reflection of the time of historical knowledge. New theoretical foundations of the research of history were formulated; the directions of scientific research were diversified, due to the active development of the archeographical case the source base substantially expanded. At the same time, a new direction began to emerge - the historiography of the social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Within it, historical science has received the fundamental contribution of historians, which requires a thorough study and reflection.

Purpose. The purpose of the proposed article is to identify the main periods of development of the East Slavic historiography of social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the nineteenth and early twentieth century’s and give them a general description.

Results. The analysis of the development of East Slavic historiography of social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the nineteenth and early twentieth century’s makes it possible to divide it into three main periods. The first period (the end of the 30’s - 50 years of the XIX century) is characterized by the emergence in the studies of the Lithuanian past a landmark on social history. The second period falls on the 60’s - the end of 70-ies of the XIX century. At that time, the formation of historiography of social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as an integral part of the research direction of the history of states took place. The third period (from the 80s of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the 20th century) is characterized by the expansion of the problems of scientific research beyond the strictly the history of states and the emergence of synthesis works on the social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Though this tendency has begun to appear in the previous stage, now it has clearly outlined and provided a new quality of the development of historiography.

Originality. The article attempts to periodizе the development of East Slavic historiography of social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the nineteenth and early twentieth century’s is the first in the historical science of the Soviet and post-Soviet period.

Conclusion. The historiographical process of the 19th and early 20th centuries in the field of studying the social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by Eastern European historians is thoroughly, though not even, represented by three periods of its development. The peculiarity of the historiography of the social history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the period covered is merely the ascending path of its development.

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