Repressed science and education in Ukraine (In the context of the 1920-s - 1930-s)

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Nadiya Levitska
Serhii Beregovyi


Introduction. For a long time, until the end of the Soviet era, repressed names were virtually unknown to the public, even members of the departments of the university, where they worked, or what led these people.

The purpose of the article – summarize material about famous scientists and university professors who were victims of Stalin’s terror. It is important to follow the tragic fate of people in the context of the controversial era - heroic and victorious outside, but horrible and infamous inside. At least in part it is necessary to reveal the mechanism of terror, whose victims were not only victims, but also those who are afraid and under pressure of fear was forced to adapt or perjure. Erasing gaps and learning the lessons of history should be an example and a lesson for young people during the building of a new European country.

Results. Ukraine in the First Five-Year Plan (1928–1932) was the main testing ground Stalinist policies. Against the backdrop of collapse of the new economic policy of industrialization and collectivization, became frantic pace could not be brought the question, so to speak, the political and cultural component communist era military assault. Ukrainization policy that was in the realm of the NEP are also not happy with the Communists. I must admit that despite all its positive consequences of this political campaign served Bolsheviks mostly pragmatic goals – to form the Soviet Republic, an integral part of the USSR. Education and training were transferred exclusively to communist rails, literature and the press largely promoted internationalism and communism. Despite the efforts of the authorities ukrainization difficult to fit into the framework of communist doctrine contrary became the foundation for further development of Ukrainian national revival of the 20’s. Because its field selflessly and sincerely worked not only prominent figures of culture, but also thousands of teachers, students, teachers, agronomists doctors, scientists. In Ukraine, unlike other republics of the Union, which also carried out activities indigenization, they have not turned into an artificial campaign. Moscow desks. leadership has to show concern about this already 1926–1927 rr., then was ordered eradicate nationalism. Steering effort sharpness especially against intellectuals, prominent figures of educators, scientists, writers totalitarian power perfectly aware that this layer is the most powerful force capable of doing spiritual resistance, raise your voice in defense of the people, to attract the attention of the world community. The extermination of Ukrainian cultural elite in the 30s known as Ukrainian Executed Renaissance.

Originality. Based on the archives, memories of veterans classified material in an article about scientists, teachers and university leaders who stood at its source (1920s – 1930s), and suffered repression during the Stalinist terror. Biographies and tragic fate of people listed in the context of the era of mass repressions against the Ukrainian Education and Science of the Soviet chauvinistic imperial system.

Conclusion. Arguably, despite the very rapid pace of economic development, the significant digital growth performance of higher education institutions and their contingents due to mass arrests 1930s gg. For intellectuals, educators and researchers dealt a crushing blow. The victims of the totalitarian system in the 30s were thousands of scholars, teachers, teachers. And no doubt, as confirmed by many documents and recollections of witnesses, first subjected to repression Ukrainian intelligentsia, both the old and the new, the people who showed even the least resistance to the totalitarian communist superpower chauvinism.

As a result of repression was broken intellectual and moral heredity new and old intelligentsia. The intrinsic educators and scientists since before the Revolution democracy, critical spirit, creativity, humanity, sacrifice and charity, generosity in the new conditions were not the basis for development.

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