«Privileged stratum» as a social component ukrainian society assessment of lithuanian era in Olexandra Efimenko

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Y.M. Mykhailiuk


This article analyzes the main approaches O.J. Efimenko in the interpretation of the evolution of the privileged status of Ukrainian lands in the second half of XIV – 60 years of the XVI century. and its place in contemporary society. In particular, it revealed interpretation hierarchical elite niche in the then society and its social mission. The specificity understanding historian differentiation privileged population. Also, attention is focused on the vision of its regional characteristics numerical representation of various strata and their privileged position. Special attention is paid to in Article researcher presented the determining factors of the legal status of nobility. Just found an original and very critical perception of the evolution of women in her society at the time. Historian reveals a common understanding changes in the daily life of Ukrainian Lithuanian gentry day.

The article proved that O.J. Efimenko in its analysis of the works of trying to cover quite a wide field of social evolution privileged status of Ukrainian territories Lithuanian day. Viewed it as an objective process, the genesis of which was taken out of the day of. Military officer know she perceived as the flagship social processes. Interesting and even exciting issued its manner of presentation, in which aspects of the social groups listed in life dynamics. But in the analysis of separate but important components of the evolution of "higher class" researcher showed no thorough scientific analysis.

Article Details



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