Conditions of stay and cultural and educational activities of interned Ukrainian Soldiers in the Camp of Lancut, Poland (january-august 1921) in the light of archival documents

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Ihor Sribnyak


Introduction. An important task of modern Ukrainian historical science is the holistic reconstruction of the circumstances of the capture and internment of Ukrainian soldiers who were in the camps of several European countries in 1914-1925.

Purpose. An objective reproduction of the conditions of stay and the specifics of conducting cultural and educational work at the Lancut camp in the first half of 1921, when the interned units and units of the UNR Army were stationed.

Results. The article analyzes the conditions of stay and the main manifestations of the cultural and educational activities of interned Ukrainian soldiers in the camp Lanсut (Poland) in the first half of 1921. Based on the use of a wide range of archival sources, the author concluded that the camps of the wartime period were marked by significant difficulties due to their extreme crowding and biased attitudes towards the interned by the commandant of the camp. For a long time, the relations between the Ukrainian command and the Polish commandant’s office were clearly conflicting, which was explained by the Distrust of Ukrainians of the commandant of the camp, and the inability of the commanders of certain parts to find compromise solutions. But already in the spring, the position of the Interned slowly normalized, although the Polish commandant’s office continued to avoid meeting requests from the internment troops of the UNR.

Originality. With the advent of the first heat, the interned Ukrainian soldiers made every effort to restore their own cultural and educational life. This period was marked by the founding of a number of artistic, public and educational organizations, which positively influenced the moral spirit of warfare. In addition, studios in camp schools, attending various educational courses allowed everyone to refill their knowledge, which was extremely important in terms of emigration. A bright page of the camp life was the activity of the Ukrainian People’s University founded in Lancut, whose activities filled the constructive meaning of the camp of the daily routine of a large number of interned, first of all officers.

Conclusion. Another important part of the life of the Interned was their participation in public life through various social and charitable organizations and circles. The attention of the interned was to help the children and women most affected by the difficult conditions of the camp isolation. However, it was not possible for the interned to develop their cultural and educational achievements, since in August 1921 the Polish authorities had resorted to the settlement of the mentioned camp and the displacement of its inhabitants to the camp of Stshalkovo.

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