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An important component of the source of the research of the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921 is the memoirs of their direct participants, who, before the end of the liberation struggle, began to emigrate. The dynamic course of the revolutionary processes of 1917–1921, marked by victories and defeats, the conditions of emigre life became a conducive environment for creating a large array of memoirs of contemporaries about still fresh in memory of the time events in Ukraine.
Of particular importance were the memoirs of state and military figures of the Ukrainian People's Republic and Hetmanate, in which, through the prism of personal perception, phenomena, events and figures of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution are reflected. The problem is also highlighted by the fact that, despite certain subjectivism and political preferences, memories of participants and eyewitnesses of those events contain a lot of information, personal impressions and observations that are absent in archival documents and materials of periodicals.
In this context, no less important is the memoirs to study regional features of the events of the revolution. This completeness also applies to Cherkasy region, which in 1917–1921 was one of the regions for the deployment of the national liberation struggle for Ukrainian statehood, and its population actively participated in the state-building processes. It seems quite logical that the course of revolutionary events on the territory of the region was reflected in the memoirs of leading state and military figures, which reinforces the weight of the characteristics and assessments contained thereinArticle Details
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