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Introduction. At the present stage of state-building in Ukraine among other problems existed one important it is the alignment of the position of women and men in the political sphere of society. This problem is not lost relevance in the early twenty-first century. Social and economic exclusion of women and their limited participation in the process of political decision-making, has become one of the main contemporary discourses on this problem. According to the statistics, women remain on the periphery of Ukrainian politics, which contradicts with the international obligations of Ukraine which are based on European principles and values. The European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of 1950 is considered to be the most perfect and efficient instrument in the sphere of human rights. Each country joining the Council of Europe, take the responsibility to ratify the Convention and adhere to its norms. In article 14 of the document determined that the exercise of the rights and freedoms set forth in the Convention are guaranteed without discrimination on grounds of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other circumstances.
Purpose. Studies of gender balance in the Ukrainian political and legal space. Analysis of the reasons for the low representation of women in bodies of state power of Ukraine and the low status of women in public and political organizations and actual lack of power.
Results. Despite the increasing of the number of women in politics, the balance of power of men and women is unbalanced. The representation of women in public authorities is one of the indicators of democratic society. The decline in women's representation in government inevitably leads to a decrease their influence on important decisions.
Originality. Recommendations were created to ensure gender equality, based on international experience for improving the election legislation by introducing gender quotas for female representation in elected government.
Conclusion. Now, though, is the positive growth of female representation in the highest legislative body of the state. Despite the long-term of cooperation in the framework of the Council of Europe and proclamation of the path of European integration, our country in the field of gender equality hasn’t yet reached the level of European requirements. Gender transformation in the political and legal system and in society as a whole is a long and complicated process. However, the provision of equal access to the decision-making process for men and women is one of the important conditions for building in Ukraine a legal state. The introduction of legislative gender quotas in parallel with strict sanctions for their violation could significantly improve the situation regarding women's participation in politics.
Article Details
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