Publishing activities of UPR Army interned in camps in Poland (1920–1924)

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Y. Holubnycha-Shlenchak


Introduction. During the November 1920 UPR army waged fierce battles in Ukraine, holding pressure Bolshevik units. But November 21, 1920 it was forced to give up fighting and retreated river Zbruch then military UPR was interned by the Polish authorities. Internees UNR Army soldiers found themselves in difficult conditions. Tool to overcome demoralization in the camps was the educational and cultural activities, one of the main keys of which was publishing.

Purpose. Based on a comprehensive analysis of archival and published sources and scientific literature to explore publishing interned soldiers UPR Army in camps in Poland (1920 – 1924).

Results. With the assistance of the Chief Ataman troops UPR Simon Petliura command interned in camps Ukrainian troops began the publication of a number of socio-political, military, professional, industry, humorous satirical newspapers and magazines, collections of memoirs, textbooks, literature and poetry, and also continued active work of writing the history of individual regiments and divisions.On page editorial publications camp tried to submit information through the prism of irony to ease the psychological state of the internees. Certainly distribution of copies in the camp, and sometimes beyond it (albeit in small quantities), made it possible to support communication between interned and inform them on the state of the camp, schedule reviews and the actions to take place, but should not forget about censorship.

In addition, much attention was paid to raising the level of culture warriors. So often in the pages of magazines and journals published poems or excerpts of famous Ukrainian and foreign poets and writers.

Originality. Comprehensive analysis of the publishing UPR Army internment in camps in Poland in 1920 – 1924.

Conclusions. Camp publishers had made a significant contribution to the strengthening of interned Ukrainian soldiers and their national-patriotic education. Publishing of soldiers interned in camps in Poland is an important source for the study of many aspects of the Ukrainian people in a foreign country, namely, political, economic, cultural, etc. The press is a reflection of the views and ideas which prevailed among its members.

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