Pototskyi Theater in Tulchin: Formation of rulers’ theater outlook, background and the stages of creative development of the private magnate scene

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T. Chubina


Introduction. The current state of Ukrainian historical science leads to the need for a comprehensive study of the history of private magnate theaters acting in Ukraine.

In Ukrainian and foreign historiography the question of the origin and transformation of Polish private theaters has not yet been explored. Some aspects of this issue are reflected in the works of А. Veselovskyi, I. Polelyi, N. Petrov, D. Antonovych, S. Bazhenova and others. The intelligence of Polish scientist R. Sobol is dedicated to the investigation of the private Pototskyi Theater in Tulchin.

On S. Bazhenova’s opinion, aspects of the study of the history of Polish theater today are not well known to scholars and ordinary readers, and can serve as a basis for understanding the origins of the Polish theater, ways of its transformation from church action-mystery to street dens, then to the magnate private theaters.

Purpose. The author aims to explore the sources and circumstances that influenced the formation of the theater outlook of Stanislaw Shchensnyi Potocki, in particular, to analyze pretulchin period of magnate Potocki’s knowing the theater, to examine the history of the foundation, formation and development of the private Pototskyi Theater in Tulchin.

Results. Tulchin theatre of Stanislaw Shchensnyi Potocki occupies a significant place among private magnate theaters acting in the second half of XVIII and the beginning of ХІХ century.

History of Polish private magnate theater is poorly known today and can serve as a basis for understanding the origins of Polish theater, ways of its transformation.

Tulchin scene encouraged to life genuinely passionate about the theater people, having at their disposal, since the fathers, a considerable theatrical culture, as well as very rich experience in this area - Stanislaw Pototskyi and his second wife Josephine Amalie Mnishek. Actually, these preferences and interest for several years have been one of the few elements that united this unhappy alliance.

Pototskyi Theater in Tulchin followed the tastes of its age and from this perspective was a typical representative of the theatrical culture of the second half of XVIII century, typical magnates theater.

Following in general дукельську repertoire line, Tulchin theatre overgrew it by the scope and variety of implemented dramatic forms.

Schensnyi’s marriage with Sophia Witt opened a new page in the history of Tulchin and its theater. Josephine’s successor took care of the new shine of their residence.

The appearance of a professional director and actor Zhmiyovskyi proves that in Shchensnyi’s last years Tulchin theater relied on professional force.

On Tulchyn stage the plays of various genres were put: comedies, dramas, tragedies and operas – both of foreign and Polish authors.

Conclusion. The theater at all times was, is and will be a tool and a form of cognition and awareness of the human phenomenon, expression of spiritual, cultural, artistic and aesthetic ideals of human society, a reflection of the political system, ideological doctrine, personal preferences. The history of mankind reflects this as well as the history of the magnate Pototskyi Theater in Tulchin.

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