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Introduction. The exploration of the organizational forms of the mill business in the NEP period is an important phase in the development of agriculture in Ukraine.

Purpose of this article is exploration of the history of transformation of the mill business in the context of nationalization and denationalization of this sector of industrial enterprises in Ukraine.

Results. The functioning system of the mill entrepreneurship in the Ukrainian SSR in the NEP period was based on private, rental, public and cooperative mills. The primary organizational form of mill entrepreneurship was rental, and their users became former owners. In the rental industry flour milling sector dominated by a number of enterprises and amount of rent – 76.3% of the total rental rate in 1924/25 year. The 74 percent of rental companies were used by private individuals, and the part of private capital in the milling industry was then reached only 78.2%. The state's milling industry was created through the nationalization of private mills and the construction of new state mills and elevators is on the second half of the 1920s. The so-called commodity mills, which primarily consisted of state and co-operative, provided flour to the urban and the remaining mills operated in rural areas. Elimination of private mills and limitations of the private milling industry in the late 1920-ies has upset the balance of the provision of bread to the urban population, the number of which steadily grew.

Originality of the results is based on new conceptual insights and systematic approach to addressing the problem of the mill business.

Conclusions. The vast majority of mills hit the rental stock, but the former owners tried to return, indicating a desire to engage private industry in business. Mills, who acted in the villages, were the central industrial buildings, around which to develop other sectors of agriculture. The total nationalization, which lasted for 1920-1922 years, significantly undermines the social and economic foundations of mill business subsidiary in Ukraine. The policy of class restrictions and curtailment of private enterprise, particularly in the late 20's finally destroyed this original way of industry and agriculture daily life.

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