Involvement V. Danilov in the international research project on agrarian history (sif. ХХ - beg. of ХХІ century)

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В. Л. Калитвянська


On the basis of analysis of international scientific projects of agrarian history and scientific literature the contributions of prominent historian and social-democrat politician in the organization and development of international cooperation in the history of agriculture and social relations in the countryside. Reveals insight historian importance of doing the vast array of sources on the history of the peasantry first half of XX century. in the scientific revolution. It was concluded that due to the international scientific collaboration domestic science has a significant number of highly qualified, nestereotypno minded professionals in the field of agricultural history and sociology. The main aim of the projects organized by Vladimir Danilov has been striving to overcome the limitations of ideological and politicized perception of historical events, restoring the real picture. It was found that public and world science had access to most of them thanks to the efforts of the scientists who rallied around the famous historic and agrarian Viktor Petrovich Danilov

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В. Л. Калитвянська


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