The influence of European diplomatic etique on the transformation of ceremonial and protocol in the Hetmanat of the Era of Ivan Mazepa

Main Article Content

L. Horodynska


Abstract. Introduction. The article attempts to reveal the contribution of Hetman I. Mazepa, who is one of the first founders of the Ukrainian nation, which strengthened its importance in the international arena, to the study of the influence of European etiquette on the transformation of ceremonial and protocol in the Cossack environment of the first half of the eighteenth century. Attention is drawn to the historian’s understanding of the role of etiquette culture in the western Ukrainian lands of the late eighteenth – first half of the nineteenth centuries on the formation of Cossack Ukraine.

Purpose. The aim of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the influence of European etiquette on the transformation of ceremonial and protocol in the Cossack environment of the first half of the eighteenth century. during the formation of the Ukrainian nation.

Results. The bearers and exponents of diplomatic relations and relevant traditions at this time was a Cossack officer – the closest secular and military environment of the hetman. It was then added to the special protocol statements that the guests were expected «with great joy». If in France and other European countries at the turn of the seventeenth – in the eighteenth century. The «great» ambassadors were accompanied to the reception hall by the princes of blood, the heirs to the thrones.

In Ukraine in the second half of the seventeenth – in the eighteenth century. etiquette of secular methods and protocol was largely formed under the influence of, on the one hand, folk culture and Cossack customs, and on the other – constantly transformed under the influence of Eastern (Turkey and the Crimean Khanate, partly Russia) and Western diplomatic rituals (Italy and Vatican, Holland), Sweden, Poland).

At that time, the Hetmanate periodically acted as a mediator in the negotiation processes between the above-mentioned states, because in one way or another it was in close relations with all of them. On the one hand, historical ties with the Muscovy, on the other – with the Crimea and Turkey (former Byzantine lands – the heart of Orthodoxy – the Greek faith), on the third – with Europe: the Polish-Lithuanian elite, the Polish-French-Italian establishment, Dutch, German, Swedish, Polish-Austrian, Hungarian and Czech nobility, some English subjects. All of Europe at this time, as a result of the unification of the capital of wealthy families through marriage law, was going through a period of assimilation, especially in Catholic and Protestant circles. Ukraine was divided politically and economically in half by the agreements between Muscovy and Poland of 1667 and 1678, but the processes of cultural consolidation of the population still continued.

Conclusion. Therefore, the etiquette of secular events and receptions of the Cossack Ukraine of the second half of the seventeenth – first half of the eighteenth century largely formed under the influence, on the one hand, under the influence of folk culture and Cossack customs, and on the other – constantly transformed in view of Eastern (Turkey and the Crimean Khanate, partly Russia) and Western diplomatic rituals, traditions, protocol (Italy and the Vatican , Holland, Sweden, Poland).

Article Details

Author Biography

L. Horodynska

Horodynska Liliia – graduate student of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky


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