Peculiarities of the source complex of research of memory policy in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine


Andrii Kasian
Yaroslav Platmir
Denys Khomenko


Introduction. The policy of memory and historical consciousness of the population in the Russian-occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts has not yet been the subject of a special study by Ukrainian historians. The source base for studying this problem has a number of features.

Purpose. Find out the features and identify the main groups of historical sources that can be used in the process of studying the policy of memory and historical consciousness of the population in the occupied territories.

Results. It has been found that most sources that reveal the topic of historical memory and consciousness in the occupied territories of digital origin and are on the Internet, including sources born digital. The authors propose two interrelated schemes of systematization of the source base. The first, traditional approach to the classification of sources on the basis of the method of recording information – material, verbal, pictorial, behavioral.

Classification by origin allows us to identify a wider range of sources. Documents of official origin, which determine the policy of memory and consists of two clusters: 1) legislative and normative acts of Ukraine; 2) illegitimate legal acts approved by the “heads” of illegal formations in the temporary occupied territories of Ukraine – so-called “LNR” and “DNR”.

One of the tools of instrumentalization of the past and manipulation of the historical consciousness of the population in the occupied territories is the introduction of anti-Ukrainian memorable discourse from elementary school to higher education. Such a pseudo-historical narrative is also an important source. It is determined that the most massive group of source is media materials collected on various Internet resources.

Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of a new group of sources – social networks, which in modern society are becoming increasingly important. In particular, the possibility of using the resources of the most popular Facebook network in Ukraine is considered and the achievements of previous authors in the method of processing materials of social networks are taken into account.

Originality. The authors propose their own systematization of sources that should be used to study the policy of memory and historical consciousness in the occupied territories.

Conclusion. The source base for studying historical memory and memory policy in the occupied territories of Donbas is representative and allows to cover the problem in a comprehensive way. Mush of this is due to the emergence of new types of historical sources and their availability via the Internet.




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