German school on the eve of reformation: attempts at school reform
Introduction. The famous theologian and humanist Philipp Melanchthon (1497 – 1560) was in charge of education on the Lutheran territory. The paper focuses on reasons of introducing a system of arranging pupils in classes in German schools.
Purpose. The main purpose of our research is to look into peculiarities of German schools on the Eve of Reformation and their reorganization according with a new system of arranging pupils in classes.
Results. At the beginning of the Reformation schools remained far behind from social and economic progress. The major part of schools were dominated by conservative medieval traditions, according with requirement of cleric and municipal corporations. Existing schools could not contribute to the cause of Reformation and to society’s renewal in the spirit of Evangelism. In addition, these conservative schools could not provide with skilled state and church personnel the new bourgeois society. Melanchthon, through substantial changes in the school program and administration, managed to reorganize school into effective educational institution. Much of success of his reforms explains the new system of arranging pupils in classes.
Originality. In this paper, based in the complex analysis of practice of arranging pupils in classes across the Europe, we have examined advantages of the new school system elaborated by Philipp Melanchthon. As we have found out, his system could provide society within the short time with qualified state and church personnel.
Conclusion. The Reformation set a task of renewal and reorganization of German schools to make them able to provide Lutherans with qualified pastors, theologians, public officials etc. In Melanchthon’s opinion, a new reformed school with arranging in classes could cope with this task and was able to supply pupils with ethical upbringing and education in the spirit of the Lutheran theology.
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