
Yuri Adamovych POLISHCHUK


The article provides an overview of Korduba studies of the XX–XXI century. It has been specified that personalistic studies are the most popular within the Ukrainian humanitaristics. This led to the formation of the interdisciplinary sectors focused on studying of the life and work of the founders of modern Ukrainian historiography of the XIX–XX centuries. These include M. Korduba, the representative of M. Hrushevsky Lviv historical school. He was the subject of many texts that analyzed various points of intellectual biography of the scientist. Instead, a coherent overview of Korduba studies is missing for today. It makes impossible the setting of the urgent tasks in the study of his legacy. So the purpose of the article is a generalization of the leading trends in the study of the creative heritage of M. Korduba in the historiography of the XX – beginning of XXI century.It has been found that the first attempts of the characteristics of M. Korduba’s scientific activity were made by the members of Ukrainian historiographical process during the first third of the XX century. The observations in respect of the characteristics of the scientist’s historiographical discourse are contained in the review of the scientist’s works. A new stage in understanding of the heritage of M. Korduba began after his death in 1947. It is indicated that the name of the scientist was stigmatized in the Soviet Union and his legacy was proscribed. Scientific understanding of the works of M. Korduba was concentrated in scientific centers of the Diaspora. It has been found that the lack of the source base necessary for understanding of the phenomenon of M. Korduba was the objective problem for diaspora researchers. Despite this, numerous attempts to enrich the source foundation of Korduba studies, to reflect over the diverse heritage of Ukrainianist, were revealed. A new stage in the study of heritage of M. Korduba has begun in the late 80’s – early 90’s of the XX century. It has been found that the appearance of publications, which reconstructed key subjects of his intellectual biography, was the reaction to the massive interest to the legacy of the scientist.In the end, the richness of discourse of Korduba studies in the historiography of the XX–XXI century has been marked. Quantitative domination of the works of recent decades has been specified. The presence of substantial analytical papers on the focal points of M. Korduba’s heritage has been found. The top-priority historiographical tasks of the biographical (primarily, the scientist’s work during the First and Second World Wars) and exploratory character (eg, historiographical, and archeographical components of the scientific heritage) have been defined. It has been concluded that their implementation will enable the creation of intellectual biography of M. Korduba.




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