
Serhiy Borysovich ONISHCHENKO


The article describes the process of railway construction and modernization of railway complex of the Ukrainian SSR, shows the quantity of its material and technical basis. The attention is focused on the introduction of new advanced types of traction and rolling stock. The author deals not only with it’s successes but also failures and shortcomings. It especially pointed out the negative impact of bureaucratic barriers caused by the Soviet administrative-command system.

In the after war period the especially important part of the republican railway transport in the national economy of the USSR was taken into consideration. Its reconstruction together with the heavy industry development was considered a paramount, determinative important consequence of the quick and successful national economy reconstruction of the Soviet state. In order to provide the growing rates of the transportation it was important to perform the mighty program of the modernization of material and technical basis of transport which worked on the edge of its possibilities.

The aim of the article is in lighting up of the major tendencies and development of railway transport in the Ukrainian SSR in 1950-s.

An important trend of reconstruction and development of the railway infrastructure at the beginning of 1950-s were repairs and modernization of the transport itself. A distinctive feature of the reconstructive period was the high temps of the development of new progressive technical devices. During the capital reconstructive works the reconstruction of railways with the aim of uplifting of their technical equipment was conducted.

In 1950-s the railway reconstruction got new stimuli. Very important railway junctions were reconstructed – Kyiv, Kharkiv, Yasynuvata, as well as sea port stations – Odesa, Mykolaiv, Sevastopol, Kerch. The new construction was performed as well.

In short, a large scaled modernization of railway transport started in Ukrainian SSR in 1950-s. The major part of investments was directed to those spheres of transportation which were able to provide its forced and progressive development.




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