Demographic and material losses in the countryside as a result of the Ukrainian-Polish confrontation during the Second World War


O. Perekhrest



The peasant segment of those tragic events associated with the mass murders of the civilian rural population of Ukrainian and Polish nationalities and the destruction of their housing and economy was considered in the article in the context of the Ukrainian-Polish military-political confrontation in the western Ukrainian Region of Ukraine during the Second World War. Without going into the cause and the detailed course of events within the framework of the conflict, it was emphasized that both sides repeatedly included among their opponents peaceful peasants and cruelly dealt with them in that struggle. Assessing, on concrete examples, the means of mutual struggle between the two sides, it has been proved that the Ukrainian units and militants, in the same way as the Polish, did not differ much from the Germans in methods of destroying people and their farms, used both defensive and offensive tactics. Attention was drawn to the fact that in the Ukrainian-Polish confrontation the participation of German punitive detachments of the Polish and Ukrainian police in the service of the invaders of the Soviet partisan detachments was notable, and from the Polish side - also nationalistic detachments of military formations, there were also cases of camouflage of individual detachments under the brand of the enemy and committing attacks in order to foment the conflict.

The article analyzes the situation with the definition by Ukrainian and Polish historians of the number of human victims on both sides. It is stated that despite the failure to establish a reliable number of human victims on both sides within the framework of the Ukrainian-Polish confrontation, the indisputable fact is that the overwhelming majority among them was the peasants of Ukrainian and Polish nationalities. It is also impossible to calculate material damage, but the terrible reality was the transformation into tumultuous tens of thousands of dwellings and farms of Ukrainian and Polish peasants.





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